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About Us - Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem


Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem is in the business of ambient air measurements and air quality monitoring—elements that affect every person on earth. Met One Instruments, Inc. was founded in 1989 with the primary purpose of simplifying and improving the user’s experience. Our company placed exceptional customer service and ease of use at the forefront, introducing new products and services well received in the market.

With the company’s increasing reputation for service, reliability, and integrated system solutions, Met One Instruments went through a rapid growth phase. Part of this growth involved Met One’s strategic acquisition of other businesses in the industry, broadening our product offering, core technology, and customer base. All of this helped catapult Met One Instruments, Inc. to being a global provider.

In the mid-1990’s Met One developed the technology for a Beta Attenuator Mass (BAM) Monitor, broadening our focus with air particle monitoring. This technology was the next step in improving peoples’ quality of life. It was the right thing to do.

Met One’s BAM technology has since become an EPA standard for air quality monitoring. Having acquired EPA approval and Federal Designation of selected Met One products, the global community began sourcing Met One BAM’s for regulatory compliance and air quality monitoring.

In 2021, Met One Instruments became part of the Acoem Group of companies, gaining access to a large portfolio of complimentary technologies such as gas analyzers, noise and vibration monitors, continuous emission and opacity monitors, tunnel monitoring/management technology, and more, and beginning its next chapter as a multinational organization.  Click here for more information about Acoem: www.acoem.com

At Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem, we continue to offer innovative and integrated solutions for a broad range of customer requirements, actively reaffirming our commitment to unsurpassed customer service, state-of-the-art technology, and unmatched user-friendliness.

Why We Do What We Do:

The average person takes 20,000 breaths each day. That is 20,000 opportunities to improve one’s health. It is our mission to provide easy to operate, accurate and reliable instrumentation for folks to make informed decisions about the air quality around them. Over the past several decades, government agencies around the world have been working to improve air quality with the help of our trusted air quality monitors. These investments in public health have been propelled by the knowledge of long-term negative health effects of air pollution, as well as the vast benefits of a healthier population.  As a species, we can only manage what we can measure, therefore measuring and monitoring ambient air pollution is the first step towards reducing these pollutants and improving human health around the globe.

Clean air initiatives are now flowing into the private sector with people working toward a more just and equitable breathing space for all. In neighborhoods, in schools, at work, on the train, in homes, and elsewhere, the air we breathe is everywhere. The need for air quality monitoring is everywhere. Knowledge is power and Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem is in business to empower people, and to improve everyone’s quality of life by providing technology to improve the health of the air we breathe.


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Click the map below to explore the US Embassies and Consulates where Met One Beta Attenuation Mass Monitors are currently located around the globe with AirNow’s interactive map.

AirNow US EPA BAM 1020's @ US Embassies and Consulates

Met One Instruments, Inc. is a registered ISO 9001 company

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Met One Sphinx Egypt
BAM 1020

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